André Boughtwood, co-owner of Flow Modern, an art gallery in Palm Springs, California, has been using it at his desk for roughly five years. If you want a fan that’ll look good on your desk when in use and when not, Vornado’s VFAN Mini has a vintage appearance that makes it charming enough to double as an art piece when you’re not trying to beat the heat. Width: 7.1 inches | Weight: 3 pounds | Number of speeds: 2 speeds 1 desk fan” because it’s “very strong, quieter than you’d think, and can be aimed either at yourself or into the corner of the room, which will increase the circulation around your whole space.” McDonnell notes that while the fans don’t oscillate, the ingenious design of its “fingerprint-patterned” grill means it will circulate air around the room. Patrick McDonnell, assistant manager of Brooklyn’s Mazzone Hardware, is another admirer and says this particular Vornado design - a smaller version of its expert-approved 633 floor fan - is his store’s “No.

“Vornado’s great because their entire focus is taking air and channeling it into a cone that blows straight at you - it really directs air, taking a small amount and turning it into a jet,” Brown says, adding that he and Home Depot consider Vornado to be the “premium brand” across the entire fan category. Vornado’s desk fans were mentioned by our experts more than any other company’s (its designs feature heavily in our guide to the best floor fans). Width: 7.4 inches | Weight: 2.1 pounds | Number of speeds: 2 speeds